Tate Modern 08.11.15
Between 11am-12pm on Sunday 08.11.15, I asked 48 strangers (with the help of free Haribo), if I could take their portait in front of the Tate Modern in London. What is unique is that I create a double exposure using a film camera that meant each person would be paired up with a complete stranger in their portait. Each individual had to write down a piece of advice to the unknown other person in their portrait. It was an experiment because not only did I not know who would be paired with who, but I had no clue if it would work on the film, but it did! So as of today, these individuals who took part can now meet their stranger in the photograph and see what advice they were given.
Thank you to everyone that participated, I couldn’t have done it without you all. Please do email me with your thoughts and if you would like a copy of your picture.